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Avoiding Death by a Thousand Questions


Avoiding Death by a Thousand Questions

I came upon a wonderful post entitled The Illusion of Managing People at Nucleus Insights. You can find it here:

The focus of the article was away from “managing” and more towards “leading, inspiring, and focusing”.

There were three key points made:

  1. Nurture the culture, can the controls;
  2. Paint the big picture, skip the little instructions;
  3. Always ask, never tell.

They wrapped up the article with the following quote:


Core Scrum Values & Courage


Core Scrum Values & Courage

The five Core Scrum Values have been defined as:

  1. Commitment
  2. Openness
  3. Focus
  4. Respect
  5. Courage

The reference I’m using for this include a blog post by Mike Vizdos here. And you can see them articulated on the Scrum Alliance site here.

Tobias Mayer wrote a counterpoint blog post on these values and suggested a different set and focus all his own. Here’s what Tobias had to say:



What Comes First: The Chicken, the Egg, or Trust?


What Comes First: The Chicken, the Egg, or Trust?

It’s sort of a chicken and egg problem in many agile teams—that is the notion of trust.

  • Do you give the team your trust as an organization? Or do they have to earn it over time?
  • And if they make a mistake or miss a commitment, do they immediately lose your trust? And then have to start earning it again?
  • And is trust reciprocal, i.e., does the organization need to gain the trust of the team? And if so, how does that work?

I want to explore trust in this article. I’ve done it before, but an interview by Jeff Nielsen inspired me to revisit it.


The Agile PM—Please Sir, May I have some help?


The Agile PM—Please Sir, May I have some help?

A Sad Story

A seasoned Director of Software Development was championing agile adoption at their company. It was a moderately scaled initiative, including perhaps 100 developers, testers, project managers, BA’s and the functional management surrounding them. They received some initial agile training, seemed to be energized and aligned with the methods, and were “good to go” as they started sprinting.  

Six months later things were a shambles. Managers were micro-managing the sprints and adjusting team estimates and plans. The teams were distrustful, opaque and misleading their management. There was virtually no honest and open collaboration—nor trust. They’d (re)established a very dysfunctional dance.

Funny thing is…