I’ve authored five books, four of which are agile-centric:

  1. Software Endgames, in 2004

  2. Agile Reflections, in 2012

  3. Scrum Product Ownership, Editions in 2009, 2013, and 2019

  4. 3-Pillars of Agile Quality & Testing, in 2015

  5. Extraordinarily Badass Agile Coaching, in 2022

All of the paper versions of these books are available on Amazon. And Agile Reflections, Scrum Product Ownership, 3-Pillars, and EBAC also have Kindle versions available. You can view all of my Amazon work here:

LeanPub e-Copies

If you’re looking for e-copies (PDF) of any of our books, we HIGHLY recommend you go to LeanPub. And in the case of Scrum Product Ownership, 3’rd Edition, you’ll be able to get (PDF, EPUB, and MOBI) versions.

Here’s a link to LeanPub: so that you can access all of my books published there.

As of January 2019, I’ve also authored a set of Agile Reflections (PDF - Link books) that are targeted to:

  1. Agile Reflections for Agile Coaches

  2. Agile Reflections for Agile Leaders

  3. Agile Reflections for Product Owners

This series help connect folks to all of my writings in various blogs. They’re not books per se but are PDFs with links to my various writings. So a great way to index and easily find guidance for specific topics. These are ONLY available on LeanPub.

Video Clips & Webinars

Over the years, Bob has delivered hundreds of conference talks, keynotes, and webinars. You can find Bob’s agile-centric Youtube videos on these channels—

Meta-Cast, Podcast

Josh Anderson and Bob have recorded a relatively regularly scheduled Agile topics podcast since December 2010. We call it the Meta-Cast and have a lot of fun exchanging ideas and telling stories about agile methods, teams, and adoption. Sharing what "good Agile" looks like from their perspectives. As of late 2023, there were 250+ podcasts available.

Over the years, we've built up an incredible amount of content on the Meta-Cast.  We hope you take the time to join us...on the Meta-Cast...