If you know anything about me, you know that I’m a Rush fan. So, this article plays a bit of a homage to the song—Big Wheel. RIP Neal Peart.
This is a relatively short post, but an important one. I want to highlight an initiative that’s been going on for a while by Mark Summers and a bunch of other smart folks to define a model or tool for what solid, robust, and professional Agile Coaching skills look like. They call it the Agile Coaching Growth Wheel.
They’ve established a website called http://whatisagilecoaching.org/ Where you can find a description of the Wheel and other supporting information.
What I like about the tool is the depth and breadth of it. For example, the service-oriented aspects. Or the fact that it contains a consultative or advising component that I think is missing from some other models. Let me explore my previous go-to models before highlighting the differentiators in the Wheel.