This post is inspired by one from John Cutler.
I want to take a diversion a bit on John. I was talking about his article at our Agile Moose Herd the other morning. I shared that he is one of the “Top 10” folks in our industry (agile, products, transformation, culture, etc.) that makes me think more deeply with everything he writes. John is a thought-provoker, a leading-edge thinker, and a courageous writer. He often says, what needs to be said, before anyone else is saying it. I truly appreciate his voice!
Now, back to the post. It was fairly short and entitled—Kryptonite and Curiosity.
John started out by exploring common organizational phrases that can be kryptonite in nature. That is, they can trigger a negative response in us. For example—Bring solutions, not problems, was one of them. You get the idea.