Viewing entries tagged
Walking your talk

Your CEO should be your Chief Agility Officer


Your CEO should be your Chief Agility Officer

While I agree 100% with the spirit of this article, I want to riff off of it from an agile transformation leadership perspective…

It’s simply not good enough for a CEO of a company that aspires to agile ways of working (transformation, business agility, flow, employee engagement, etc.) and not take a strong ownership stake in it themselves.

To simply hire someone to make things be agile without being in the game themselves. Not as a:

  • Sponsor

  • Supporter

  • Proponent

  • Advocate

  • Stakeholder

  • Funder

  • Cheerleader

Isn’t good enough. Not for something as powerful, as challenging, as impactful, with as much potential as changing their culture and the way they do work.


My Heroes: David Hussman


My Heroes: David Hussman

There are individuals who have influenced my professional journey significantly. Sometimes, by working with me directly. Other times, by their writing or position in our software community. And other times, simply as a role model.

I want to start a new segment on my blog called – My Hero’s. I’ll post intermittently, perhaps every 1-2 months. But it serves as a reminder to me to be thoughtful and appreciative about the folks who’ve influenced my growth and skills. And of course, they get none of the credit for my many foibles.

The first one up is: David Hussman.

David is one of those original voices in the agile community. He’s been around for a fairly long time and I’ve interacted mostly with him at conferences. I’ve also followed his writing and conversations. One of the cool things about David is he challenges the agile status quo and always, always makes me think. Something that I value greatly.

He’s a musician, turned programmer, turned entrepreneur, so he’s followed a rather eclectic journey compared to my own. I suspect that’s what makes him have such an interesting view on things.

It so happens that he is ill now. I won’t get into the details, but to say that it is life threatening. And it’s this knowledge that influenced me to reflect on the impact he’s had on my life.

Beyond agile, David helps those in our agile community. He is generous in giving of his time and helping others whenever he can. He’s humble and all about others. And when I say humble, he’s truly humble.

I remember a year or two ago we invited David to speak at our local agile conference – TriAgile. Now David is incredibly well-known and a big audience draw. However, when we setup the rooms and tracks, we put David in the smallest room. By far the smallest room.

Needless to say, it was packed. And many were turned away. Many speakers would have been upset or affronted by this lack of awareness on the part of the conference team. David, literally said nothing. He came in, did a great job, collaborated with the attendees, and went on his way. He was far more understanding and humble than I probably would have been.

But that is David.

Wrapping Up

One of the defining aspects of my hero’s, is that they’ll probably be embarrassed to be categorized in that way. Nonetheless, they are my hero’s.

They’ve helped me to become the person, trainer, speaker, and coach that I am today. Whether they’re aware of it or not.

David Hussman, you’ve made a great impression on me in your journey that I can never thank you enough for. You’ve been a role model to me and many others in so many ways. And you sir, walk your talk. Something that I prize very dearly.

I’m incredibly blessed to know you and want you to know that you are my Hero.

Stay agile my friends,



Kudos to Richard


Kudos to Richard

Richard Khor is a young ScrumMaster who works with my buddy Josh Anderson over at Dude Solutions.

Josh has been there for a couple of years and is building some kick-butt agile teams leveraging the Spotify models. I’ve been doing a podcast called the Meta-cast with Josh for over 5 years and we’ve talked about everything we can think of around agile software development.

But enough about Josh and I.

In recent Meta-casts we’ve talked about Richard and the example he’s setting as a ScrumMaster. You see Richard is “becoming” a great ScrumMaster, not only by training, but also by his mindset, instincts, and actions. He’s also show initiative in the local agile community by leading a ScrumMaster Focus Group meeting for our local ALN chapter.
