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Agile Stories

Agile Spaces – I think I’ve been Wrong!


Agile Spaces – I think I’ve been Wrong!

Whew! There, I said it, and now I feel a little bit better.

For years I’ve been coaching agile teams and one of the themes I’ve been emphasizing is:

  • Co-location
  • Sitting together at open tables
  • Face-to-face collaboration
  • Pairing: pair-programming, pair-testing
  • Whiteboard, post-it notes, and flip charts

Have all been terms that I’ve emphasized during this time. I’ve pushed and tried to inspire teams to break down the walls and tooling and to sit together to build great products.


Actively Coaching Organizational Leadership


Actively Coaching Organizational Leadership

In a previous post, I tried to create a “Call to Arms” for Scrum Coaches and Trainers to do much more than simple, team-based training. While that seems to be a great deal of our focus, I don’t think it’s creating the environment and landscape for agile methods and Scrum in particular to “Transform the world of work”.

In early May 2014, I was at the Scrum Gathering in New Orleans and hanging out with a significant part of the CST and CSC community. A great deal of the discussion on how to “Transform the world of work” is focused on training and certifications. To be honest, I’m quite disappointed on the lip service that is largely given to the world of agile coaching. And coaching “downward”, toward the team, is most of that coaching focus.


Anchoring your Product Backlogs

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Anchoring your Product Backlogs

If you don’t know, I’ve got some opinions about Scrum, the Product Owner role, Backlogs, and User Stories. I’ve written a book about Product Ownership and I spend a great deal of my time up to my eyeballs in stories and backlogs at various clients.

One of the things that frustrates those clients is that there are very few “prescriptive rules or firm guidance” when it comes writing stories and crafting Product Backlogs; in many ways, it’s more art than science. It’s also a practiced skill that gets better the more you actually do it—of course as a team, which is also true of agile estimation.

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Playing it “Safe”


Playing it “Safe”

I’m wondering if you think this post will be about the Scaled Agile Framework or SAFe? Well, it’s not. Before there was SAFe, there was good old-fashioned “safety” from an agile team perspective. And that’s where I want to go in this piece. So just a warning that no scaling will be discussed :-)

Within Retrospectives

I often advise teams and organizations that are contemplating “going Agile” to consider safety as a factor when running their retrospectives. I share the “Galen-rule” around not inviting or having “managers” in the teams’ retrospective.


Software Teams: Throughput is ALL that matters!


Software Teams: Throughput is ALL that matters!

In the late 1970’s I worked on an assembly line at Burnham Corporation in Lancaster, PA. This was after I separated from a stint in the US Army and during my tenure pursuing a BS degree in Computer Science.

Believe it or not, I was a “Boiler Maker” at Burnham. I was a member of an assembly line that assembled boilers from parts manufactured in the plant.

I know what you’re thinking. At last, Bob has “lost it”. He’s regressed back to the early roots of his working career, which has nothing to do with his focus today. He’s now become an “old man” telling “old man stories”.

Well I will admit that I’m not as young as I used to be, but I’ve been thinking a lot about this job recently and the similarities or lessons there from an agile perspective. I hope I can connect the dots sufficiently for it to make sense to you too.


Roles and Responsibilities – Do we need such things for agile teams?


Roles and Responsibilities – Do we need such things for agile teams?

If you’ve followed my blogging at all, you know that I’ve worked for several companies in the last 6-8 years that have colored my thinking as an agile coach. Sure, I’ve coached a wide variety of other organizations, but there’s nothing like being an employee of a company and assuming the role of technical leader and agile coach to get your attention each day.

One of those companies was iContact (now Vocus), which develops an email marketing SaaS platform. This story comes from my time spent there working with some wonderful development teams.


We’re going “Agile”… Fire ALL the Managers!


We’re going “Agile”… Fire ALL the Managers!

In my last post I talked about a tendency some organizations (and individuals) have in jumping on the latest fad in building software teams and the methods for producing value. Beyond jumping on tactical or practice bandwagon’s, there appears to be a war going on related to traditional hierarchical organizational structures and traditional line or functional managers

Now to be clear, my context is 90% from an agile adoption and transformation perspective. And this isn’t some new phenomenon, as it’s been tied almost to the inception of the agile approaches.


Bandwagons –  The “Good” and the “Bad”?


Bandwagons – The “Good” and the “Bad”?

I remember years ago, Microsoft was considered the benchmark of all things leading edge when it came to software development. They seemed to be the “poster child” for how to build software organizations and software products.

For example, they had a multi-tiered strategy for a code freeze model and everyone seemed to be copying it. And today their Software Developer in Test (SDET) model is also incredibly popular. There were many books written about their strategies and approaches, and everyone seemed to want to “be like Microsoft”.

What’s interesting to me is my perspective. If you’ve been in technology long enough, you see recursive themes unfolding. What today is a benchmark company with everyone jumping on the bandwagon to copy them, in ten years becomes a passing thought. Microsoft is clearly an example of this curve—first being the “darling” of what to do – to falling into a category of status quo or even an anti-pattern. Sure, Microsoft is still a viable company and sometime role model, but it’s no longer seen as the one to emulate.


Getting the “User” out of User Stories

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Getting the “User” out of User Stories

In my travels I spend a good deal of my time discussing Scrum Product Ownership, Product Backlogs, and inevitably User Stories. Stories are containers or artifacts, which have nearly become ubiquitous for handling software requirements within agile teams.

Most seem to be a using the standard phrasing construct for his or her stories:

As a – User

I want – Feature or Functionality

So that – Business why, What problem does it solve?

Because the “User” clause is so simple, I see many teams who fill out their user stories in a by-rote fashion. They’ll literally have hundreds and hundreds of user stories, features, themes, and epics and all of them have “User” as the user.

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Salesforce as an Agile Role Model


Salesforce as an Agile Role Model

I often cite Salesforce in my classes as a company that has:

  1. gone “all in” from an Agile Transformation perspective;
  2. done it in an abrupt Top Down fashion;
  3. has gone from technology to IT to now Organization-wide in their adoption;
  4. but most importantly is a company who shares its lessons in the community.

I always lament the fact that too few companies that are adopting agile approaches actually share their lessons publicly. Oh sure, some small bit leak out, but most unfortunately decide to keep their practices to themselves.
